METRO Model Railroad Club’s 18TH annual railroad show and swap meet on Sunday, March 10th at Circle B
Recreation on Highway 60 in Cedarburg will have a brand new layout. The show will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Among the new features of this year’s show will be an all new N scale layout by The Milwaukee ‘N
Southeastern Model Railroad Club of Cudahy, WI. The club will bring their newly built popular N scale layout
which has not been seen in Ozaukee County before.
Show Chairman Jim Bartelt said the club is constantly striving to make the show fresh and to show the public
the interesting things that are happening in the world of model trains.
Among the new features of this year’s show will be an HO scale layout recently created by the West Bend
Ballast Scorchers Among its many scenes are included a replica of the Sturtevant depot, a cement plant and a
soccer game.
The Lakeshore O-Scale Railroaders will again be bringing a Lionel layout to the show and permitting anyone
to run the trains. Kids can also fire missiles from train cars, unload barrels and milk cans, and enjoy seeing in
small scale some of their favorite movie and TV characters.
Other returnees include the Badgerland S Gaugers showing the classic American Flyer scale trains as well as
new S-scale trains that are currently available. The WIZ KidZ, who will be bringing Z scale trains. These are
models so small that a layout can be built in a cigar box. The West Bend, Jackson and Southern will showing
examples of G scale equipment that is most frequently used to create outdoor garden railroads, and also some
#1 scale trains, which are trains large enough to actually ride on.
In addition, more than 50 tables of dealers and swappers will be on hand to buy, sell and trade model railroad
equipment, both new and used. The many club members and dealers on hand will be able to help modelers
young and old with layout design, problem solving, and scenic hints.
Attendees can sign up for door prizes which include railroading books and one year subscriptions to Kalmbach
Publishing’s magazine Model Railroader.
This is the 18th consecutive year for the show, which has become the largest in southeast Wisconsin after
Milwaukee’s TrainFest. Membership in all of the clubs showing is open; attendees can talk to club members at
the show for membership details. METRO can also be found on the web at
Admission is by a $3 donation for adults; as always, children under 12 are admitted free when accompanied by
an adult. Commercial sponsors of this year’s show include Ohana Ambulance, Kalmbach Publishing, and Tires
Unlimited Automotive Services.
Further details can be obtained by calling Jim Bartelt at 262-284-5876 or emailing at
Circle “B” Recreation
6261 Hwy. 60
Cedarburg, WI 53012
(262) 377-8090
circlebrec@aol.comNow Open following all WEDC COVID-19 Guidelines
M 5:00pm – 11:00pm
T 5:00pm – 11:00pm
W 3:00pm – 11:00pm
TH 3:00pm – 11:00pm
F 3:00pm – Midnight
SAT 11:00am – Midnight
SUN 1:00pm – 10:00pmThese are not Open Bowling Hours – Please Call for Lane Availability.